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About Patriot Post News

Patriot Post News helps the busy patriot receive, read, and understand the most pressing news issues of the day. From the global news alerts in our World Reports to our national and state-level news in Patriotic News, our goal is to help you stay informed so you can make the best voting choices for your family and your community.

Patriot Post News Has a Mission

The mission of Patriot Post News is to deliver the truth and facts without the sugar-coating. If your freedoms are in peril, we will let you know who or what endangers them and what you can do to ensure they are preserved. At Patriot Post News, we don’t waste time on debate: we believe the unborn child has rights, and that police officers and those who defend and protect our nation deserve respect.

We do all of this with the highest level of respect for our readers as possible. We believe in transparency and demand nothing less from our writers, editors, and creative teams. Our stories are thoroughly vetted, carefully considered, fact-checked, and properly sourced – all while presenting factual information, free of editorial bias or opinion.

What You’ll Find Here

What you’ll find here is commitment to the rights of the everyday American: the right to bear arms, the right to free speech, and the right to worship freely. We promote cherished American values and provide news and information to uphold and defend your way of life. Whether you’re a factory worker, retiree, stay at home parent, office worker, farmer, teacher, clergy, or something else in life, you’ll find news you can depend on right here.

The end result is factual information you can use to make the decisions you need to go about your daily lives. We know how important it is for you to maintain a self-reliant lifestyle, protect your finances, and keep your families safe. The news we publish aims to help you do just that – by arming you with the information you need to move about your day feeling confident and informed.

Regular Patriotic News Updates

Patriotic News focuses on our glorious nation and how to preserve and protect it. This includes the latest news from Washington as well as news out of state capitals. In a world of rapidly developing technology and bias, our team works to give you a boiled-down, factual version about what you need to know concerning legislation about the sanctity of life and the right to worship freely.

Informed World Reports

Making informed decisions at the polls and in your community also means understanding what’s going on all around the world. As citizens in the free world leading the nation, Americans are obligated to stay informed of global politics and conflicts. World Reports includes summaries of international news to help contextualize what our troops face abroad and what’s going on here at home.

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