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Contact Patriot Post News

Patriot Post News delivers transparent, fact-centered news to the hard-working Americans. Focused on preserving our rights and way of life, the we work hard to balance information about global politics with the latest news from Washington and state capitals.

The Patriot Post News Mission

The Patriot Post aims to inform and protect the public by providing the truth — not fluff or conjecture. We work hard to uphold our core values: the rights of all Americans, including the right of the unborn, the right to bear arms, and the right to worship as we choose. These values guide us to report the core of every issue, exposing the political motives behind every move in Washington and at the state capitol level. At the end of the day, it’s all about how it affects our readers and their communities. We know you deserve to know the truth.

The Patriot Post News Team

Our team is mission-focused and spread out across our great nation. Whether reporting politics from the nation’s capital, entrenched in enclaves of woke thought, or making things work for their family in a rural hometown, our editors and writers are passionate about providing fair, true, and just news.

The Patriot Post staff collaborates and fact checks each others’ stories to ensure a distilled truth for our readers, bringing you the most informed news from around the country and around the globe. Our staff holds traditional American values similar to yours and respects the military service person, the law enforcement worker, and the first responder.

Stay in Touch

Editors at The Patriot Post greatly appreciate your feedback. We love news tips, story ideas, critique, and encouragement from our audience. Want to get in touch? Simply reply to any newsletter or send us an email. Your voice is important, and we’re eager to hear from you, and our writers are ready to get to work on any good ideas you might send our way.

RSquared Data LLC
Mailing Address: 1653 Lititz Pike #1177
Lancaster PA 17601
General inquiries:
[email protected]
News-related questions:
[email protected]
Editors Department inquiries:
[email protected]
Advertising inquiries:
[email protected]
Contact Phone: 717-219-4156