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World Reports

World Reports delivers timely news and information from around the globe, helping you stay informed about military actions in hot zones, global socio-political affairs, and trade issues affecting the United States and our adversaries.

Meant to complement the national and state-level news provided in Patriotic News updates from Patriot Post News, World Reports helps you stay informed about global affairs.

US Invests Heavily in Canada to Bolster Critical Supply Needs

US Invests Heavily in Canada to Bolster Critical Supply Needs

The US military’s $20 million investment in a Canadian cobalt refinery highlights the importance of securing critical mineral supply chains. At a Glance The US...
Pharmaceutical Giants Face Serious Allegations Involving Chinese Detainees

Pharmaceutical Giants Face Serious Allegations Involving Chinese Detainees

Accusations have emerged, alleging that Pfizer and Eli Lilly tested drugs on inmates in Chinese concentration camps. At a Glance Major US pharmaceutical companies, including...
Alabama's Latest Execution Method Raises New Questions about Capital Punishment

Alabama’s Latest Execution Method Raises New Questions About Capital Punishment

Alabama is set to execute a prisoner using nitrogen hypoxia, a method never before tried, raising numerous ethical and logistical issues. At a Glance Alabama...
Adidas Investor Suit Against Kanye West Dropped by Federal Judge

Adidas Investor Suit Against Kanye West Dropped by Federal Judge

A federal judge dismisses a lawsuit against Adidas, ruling that the company did not mislead investors regarding its partnership with Kanye West. At a Glance ...
Smoke from Canadian Wildfires Darkens U.S. Skies Prompting Health Alerts

Smoke from Canadian Wildfires Darkens U.S. Skies Prompting Health Alerts

Canadian wildfire smoke is once again impacting air quality in the Northeastern United States, leaving health officials issuing stark warnings. At a Glance Rutgers researchers...
Victims' Families Challenge "Sweetheart" Deal Between Boeing And DOJ

Victims’ Families Challenge “Sweetheart” Deal Between Boeing And DOJ

Families of Boeing 737 MAX crash victims are fighting back against a plea deal that they say lets the company off easy for the...

Secret U.S. Operations Unveiled: A New Counter-Terror Strategy?

So, after all the debates on what constitutes a "good investment" of taxpayer money and time, here we are, back in the Middle East,...
Ukrainian Energy Official Caught In Corruption Scheme

Ukrainian Energy Official Caught In Corruption Scheme

Well, well, well... it seems the swamp isn't just in Washington, folks. Ukraine's got its own corruption cesspool, and it's bubbling over. Grab your...
Cross-Border Crime Operation Grinding To A Halt

Cross-Border Crime Operation Grinding To A Halt

Well, folks, it seems like Uncle Sam is finally getting serious about tackling the drug cartels south of the border. But before you break...
High-Tech Innovation Suggested for Environmental Solution at Iconic Peak

High-Tech Innovation Suggested for Environmental Solution at Iconic Peak

Ah, how nice it would be if everyone just picked up after themselves, but in today’s world, we need drones to clean up our...